National Boss’s Day

National Boss's Day


On October 16th, National Boss’s Day, also known as National Boss Day or Bosses Day, recognizes the hardworking boss overseeing the workplace. Employees across the United States show appreciation and thankfulness to their bosses. They remember their boss’s kindness and fairness throughout the year, too. (If the 16th of October falls on a weekend, then this day is celebrated on the closest working day.)

Many leaders carry heavy loads. They oversee many employees and guide their careers, too. While their position holds them responsible for a department, business, or organization and leading it to success, their list of responsibilities is multifaceted.

Some bosses have bosses themselves. Depending on the size of an organization, those bosses also answer to someone else. In fact, everyone has a boss of some kind. If your boss is the owner, they still answer to the taxman, the customers, and their merchants. Keeping a business running smoothly with outstanding employees requires balance. These bosses know how to put their best employees forward and lead with the confidence that we look up to.

We can celebrate our bosses in numerous ways.

Give your boss the day off with a game of golf.
Host a potluck with your boss’s favorite foods.
Have everyone in the office sign a card of appreciation.
Invite customers or clients to share memories of your boss.
Create a timeline of your boss’s accomplishments.
Give them a shout-out using #BossDay to post on social media.

National Boss’s Day, also known as National Boss Day or Bosses Day, is a secular holiday that began in 1958. Patricia Bays Haroski worked as a secretary for State Farm Insurance Company in Deerfield, Illinois when she registered “National Boss’s Day” with the United States Chamber of Commerce. She selected October 16th because it was her father’s birthday and at the time, he was also her employer! Four years later, in 1962, Illinois Governor, Otto Kerner, backed Haroski’s registration and officially proclaimed Boss’s Day. In 1979, Hallmark Cards introduced Boss’s Day cards to their inventory.